After half a year of porn uploading my earnings are up to $2,000 a month. I decided to make a complete guide for you guys, so you can earn from this method too. Many people say that porn uploading is dead but, as you will see, this is evergreen. The sooner you catch the train, the more money you can make. And I will teach you how.
First of all, I should give you some proof of my earnings. So, let’s look at my 3 months stats (November-January).
I have been working on this for around 1-2 hours a day, that’s a very small amount of time considering the results that effort yielded. By putting in more time you could make way more than I do, I am in contact with people who make 3 times more than me. It all depends on how much time you are willing to invest into this method.
This method is really simple and you don’t need any technical skills. For the slightly more complicated aspects I will provide simple yet in depth instructions. You will download porn videos, cut them in free software like Movie Maker (Windows) or iMovie (Mac) and upload them to porn tube sites. You will need a domain, which will cost about $1 with GoDaddy and I will explain exactly how to go about this. And that’s all. So let’s get started, go through my guide and learn how to make real income for minimum effort.
I recommend that you read the whole article so you will get a better overall picture of this opportunity ? After you read it all you can start from the beginning and build your successful online business step by step?
- Make Crakrevenue (or other network) account
- Choose a niche (offer)
- Register a domain
- Redirect your domain to offer
- Test your domain redirection
- Make account on popular porn site(s)
- Download popular videos from your niche
- Edit videos (cut video, add watermark…)
- Upload videos on your porn site account
- Analyze your stats
1) Make Crakrevenue (or other network) account
First of all you have to pick an affiliate network where you will send your traffic. I recommend that you use these two networks:
1) Crakrevenue – sign up here (affiliate link)
I recommend Crakrevenue because they have many advantages. They have numerous quality offers and great pay-outs. They have nice affiliate managers who help people to earn more.
One great thing on Crakrevenue is their Smartlinks. These are links that you create according to your own criteria and your affiliate link will test different offers and pick the best for you! For example: for webcam videos, I can pick the cams niche and my affiliate link will redirect users to different cams offers (Slut Roulette, Royal Cams…)
When you are making your Crakrevenue account make sure to use your real details. Crakrevenue is a large and trustworthy company. You don’t need to worry about the security of your details.
Crakrevenue have to approve you as an affiliate so you will have to answer some questions. I will give you some advice on how to get approved.
How to be approved by Crakrevenue:
I joined with the Crakrevenue staff to put together these recommendations on how to be approved. So this is not just my personal advice but also Crakrevenue’s recommendations.
First of all you will need to answer the simple questionnaire. There some questions that apply to things other than merely uploading porn. Just bear in mind that you are not creating incentive or mainstream traffic. You should answer that you will send social traffic and that you are interested in PPL and PPS offers.
After making your application you will get an email from Vincent, the CR affiliate manager. He will ask you some simple questions and then decide if you are a suitable partner.
Rule #1
“You’re going to need a plan of action before applying to Crakrevenue. You will need to explain to them how you will send traffic to the offers etc.”
The more specific you can be, the better. Methods of generating traffic are what you will learn in this article, BUT, you have to convince Crakrevenue that you are serious about it. Give them some details about how much work you will put in and how you intend to try different approaches to get good results. Just try to stand out from the crowd ?
Rule #2
If you come from a T3 country you will have it harder. As Crakrevenue has had lots of fraudulent traffic that mostly came from accounts in T3 countries they are really careful about approvals. You will have to do a good job of convincing Crakrevenue that you are serious. Remember you can start uploading videos before you register on Crakrevenue and this will give you some results to show them.
Rule #3
Don’t lie. I know that you might not have much experience with online marketing and you really want to be accepted, but don’t lie. Be honest and admit that you have little experience but lots of time or motivation to keep learning and getting better instead of telling them that you are a professional online marketer (unless you really are, of course). Trust me, a good relationship with your affiliate manager, in this case Crakrevenue, is mutually beneficial.
2) Chaturbate – sign up here (affiliate link)
Chaturbate is a site with webcam models who make live shows for users. This is one the most well-known webcam sites, which is great for when you promote it because people know they can trust this site.
Chaturbate offers $1 per free signup or 20 % revshare. Revshare works well in the long-term. It makes sense – you have a share of all the profits made by the users you send to the site. And it’s for a lifetime, so you are growing your user base and you will make more and more money over time. Snowball effect.
Update 28. 6. 2018:
When you use revshare model, keep in mind that it’s a matter of luck to catch people that spend many $$. In fact, one of the people I caught made me half of all earnings. So you can catch few spenders that make you big money, or you catch people that spend little or nothing. Just saying.
Update 26. 3. 2020:
I still recommend Chaturbate as main affiliate program for Cams, but there are many people complaining about models stealing registered users. For example: You bring user that register and spends money for few months, you’re happy that you have lifetime revenue, but some model ask him to make another account and sign up with her affiliate link = more money to her. This means you’ll lost this user and never have money from him anymore.
If you want to try another affiliate program, I can recommend BongaCash affiliate. You definitely heard of their site BongaCams which has huge marketing exposure.
Update 21. 5. 2020:
If you want to try Chaturbate affiliate program, which is still the best affiliate program for cams, in my opinion, you can check whole Chaturbate affiliate program review I published.
Don’t worry about approval here. I think that they approve everyone so don’t hesitate to sign up.
2) Choose a niche (offer)
First of all you need to choose your niche and offer. I would recommend you choose something you personally like, at least to start with. Otherwise you can ask your affiliate manager on Crakrevenue which offers are converting well.
These are examples of niches and offers related to them:
- Classic webcams – Imlive.com, Chaturbate.com, Myfreecams.com
- Shemale webcams – Shemale.com, Chaturbate.com
- Hardcore videos (anal, whipping, cheating, domination…) – 18andabused.com, Punishtube.com, Brokenteens.com, Kink.com
- Asian – JavHD.com
- etc.
Or you can choose to send general/mixed porn traffic to dating offers using smartlinks, for example.
Update 21. 5. 2020:
If you want to know more about smartlinks – how it works, why should you use it, and what are the best dating smartlinks out there, check my new article: Best dating smartlinks
3) Register a domain
Your url should look like a serious site. The shorter the better. You can buy a domain anywhere, a well-known domain provider is GoDaddy.com.
Exclusive offer: Click here and buy a .com domain for only $0.99 on GoDaddy.com (note: GoDaddy renew this offer from time to time, but it is possible that it is not available while you’re reading this article)
Ultimate tip: If you want to promote a specific offer try to choose a domain that is similar to the original offer. For example, if you promote the Bangbros.com offer try something like Bang-bros.com, Bangbros.biz, Bangbross.com etc. People won’t be confused by redirection as your domain matches the original offer.
Update 26. 3. 2020:
It is great to have domain similar to offers name, BUT I found that it has some disadvantages, too. For example, if domain is too similar, they can force you to give them your domain. Another bad situation is when their affiliate program ends, so you have to choose another offer to promote. And it looks bad if you use bangbross.com domain and direct them to superhotnewoffer.com.
4) Redirect your domain to offer
You need to link to an offer of your choice. The link is generated by your network, so it depends on which one you use. On Crakrevenue your affiliate link should look something like this: https://t.frtyr.com/xXxxXxxXx?offer_id=X&aff_id=XXXX&bo=XXXX,XXXX,XXXX
Important! You should always insert additional information to your affiliate link. For example, you want to know which domains are bringing in traffic, especially important as you build up more domains. You will also want to know which landing pages you are sending traffic to. For this purpose you can insert additional info like “source” or “sub id”. You will need this for analysing your stats – the last part of this guide.
Example #1
You picked the Filf.com offer on Crakrevenue and you will send traffic to that offer through your “Myfilf.com” domain. Also, you picked an “auto-optimized” landing page. Your settings should look like this:
Example #2
You decided to try a Chaturbate offer and chose Best Converting Tour (I recommend that). You will send traffic through Mysupergirlcams.com. Your link should look like this:
How to setup domain redirection on GoDaddy.com:
1) My products -> 2) Manage -> 3) Use my domain -> 4) Connect -> 5) Forward to any site -> 6) Finish
1) My products
2) Manage
3) Use my domain
4) Connect
5) Forward to any site
6) Finish
5) Test your domain redirection
Make a simple test. Wait for about 5-10 minutes, the time it takes for the redirection setup to be completed by the provider. Then insert your domain into the browser and see if you are redirected to the offer you chose. If yes, open your Crakrevenue/Chaturbate statistics and look to see if you have a click recorded. It can take a few minutes until a click is displayed in the statistics. If not, check that the domain you typed is right and check that your domain is redirecting in the providers domain information page.
6) Make account on popular porn site(s)
Now you need to choose porn tube sites where you will upload videos. I highly recommend Xvideos.com as it’s the biggest tube site. More importantly, they are not strict about approving videos. Most other sites won’t let you upload videos with a domain in the title or with a watermark etc. So start with Xvideos.com and then you can progress to testing out other tube sites.
You can try these sites:
Making account on porn site
Of course this is easy but here are a few tips.
Profile gender – always female.
Profile name – choose either name related to your niche (Whipped whores) or to your domain (Meganfoxnudecom) or just name of imaginary person (Annie Fox).
Profile photo – this is easy. Add some hot amateur teen selfie with big tits and you will have tons of profile views and friend requests. Google “hot amateur mirror selfie big tits” or something like that and you will have thousands of choices.
Profile description – you can introduce yourself (your fake account), or you can advise people to subscribe to you. Adding a description or subscription prompt will make your account look more real and will net you some subscribers.
7) Download popular videos from your niche
You can download videos from any porn site using plugins but as I am a Mac user and there are not many free plugins for this I chose sites that offer downloads without plugins.
Redtube.com – Just make a free account and you will be able to download videos with quality up to 720p. There is a download button under every video (screenshot below).
I recommend Windows users find some good videos to download with Chrome plugins/add-ons.
How to pick videos to download
First of all, you need to download videos for the niche you chose before. Then you should pick videos by views and ratings. Views can often be faked so try to pick videos with high views that also have high ratings.
Quality > quantity
Ultimate tip: It’s not great when you need to show some .pdf to your boss and you open a folder containing hundreds of hardcore porn videos. So you should create ghost folders.
How to make your porn files not show in “All My Files”: (Mac users)
The “All My Files” search seems to respect the privacy settings in Spotlight. You can add a folder to the Privacy list there and it will no longer show up in “All My Files” but, of course, it also will no longer be part of Spotlight searches either.
Spotlight settings -> Privacy -> +
8) Edit videos (cut video, add watermark…)
I am using iMovie but you can use any software you are comfortable with. For example Windows Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere Pro, Sony Vegas etc. Editing videos maybe looks time consuming but it’s not that hard as you will create templates.
I have a different project for every domain. What I mean is that I have one template for one domain. This contains an image with a watermark and imported videos. With this I can move a video on the timeline, add a water mark and that’s it. Then I just cut the best part of video (cut scene is 1-10 mins), it’s good to look at the sound line, as it shows you where the video is most “emotional”. Pick that most emotional part and export the video with the name you want to upload it with. For example: “This teen enjoy her dildo – yourdomain.com”.
Ultimate tip: If you want to work faster you can just cut every video in the middle or cut after the first 5 minutes of the video and export it.
How to insert domain
This is a simple domain text overlay in the corner of your video. Type “camgirl” on xvideos and you will see what I mean ? or you can look at the screenshot below.
How to make this watermark? Just take a screen shot of a video on xvideos for example. Open it in something like Adobe Photoshop. Delete the image, so you have only blank space (with the width and height of the video window). Then just add a text watermark (as on the screenshot below) in the corner of the image and save it as .png – with .png files the rest of the image will be transparent.
Domain name in video title
Xvideos takes your file name as the title so just name your video something like “This teen enjoy her dildo – yourdomain.com”. I use this in every video. It looks like xvideos don’t care about this practice so it’s a great way to get your domain name in front of viewers.
Update 26. 3. 2020:
Actually it is not a good idea to insert domain in video title as it’s the easiest way for porn sites to ban all your accounts. Focusing on watermarks is better option.
The final result should look like this for example:
9) Upload videos on your porn site account
There is nothing difficult about uploading. But I just want you to know that the title and tags are really important. That’s what influences how many people will find your video and how many of them will watch it.
As always, think outside the box. I will give you an example of one of my vids. I found a video of a teen having an orgasm in a café(?), it can be anywhere, there is just her on a couch in some room that looks like a public place. Okay, so what could I do with that? I can use the name of a well-known public café. So my title is something like this: “Xxxxx xxxxxxx at Costa Coffee”. Maybe you can find something much better, this was my best idea after the first month of doing this and now it’s my most viewed video on one of my niches.
Upload as many videos as you can. I started with 5 videos a day, but more videos = more views = more conversions = more $$$.
As you upload more and more videos to your account, sooner or later you will get a copyright notice. It just tells that you should prove to them that you have the rights to use the video or they will delete it. So just let them delete it. Every deleted video = 1 strike. If you have 3 strikes, they will delete your account. You really don’t want them to do this because you need your videos to stick around and generate stable traffic for you.
After your account gets 2 strikes just make a new account and start uploading again. Now, all your accounts will be operating with a max of 2 strikes. Videos and accounts will then age and you will get stable traffic.
10) Analyse your stats
Once you start sending some big traffic to your network (at least 100 clicks a day) it’s time to analyse your stats. Statistics are different on every site but I will show you the basic statistics on Crakrevenue and Chaturbate.
These are statistics by date. You can see if your traffic grows over time with these stats.
These are statistics by sub ID. I used sub ID to differentiate traffic based on the domain it comes from. I can see which accounts perform well (because I always use just one domain on an account).
Also, sorting by offer is good as you see which offer performs well. A main indicator of how good offers work is EPC, which shows how much money you earn from 1 click.
Send your traffic to the offer with the highest EPC.
Chaturbate have quite poor statistics compared to those on Crakrevenue. Basically, you can sort your statistics by date and tracking code. I use tracking codes as an indicator of the domain where the traffic comes from, so I can see which domains perform best. However you can use it to differentiate multiple sources of traffic like pornsites, tumbr, twitter etc.
Making money with porn is really easy. BUT! It takes some time until videos get aged and you start to have stable traffic. It took me about 1 month to start seeing some conversions. After 3 months I made my first $1,000. So be patient, continue uploading even if you don’t have conversions, just try to grow your traffic. After some time you will have traffic that starts to convert and if not you can just redirect this traffic to another offer. The most important thing in affiliate marketing is to have traffic! When you have traffic, you can test it, sell it or send it to different offers. You can play around and earn cash.
Update 28. 6. 2018:
Because I have more friends that started with porn uploading too, I can tell you more about different scenarios of starting this business. Some of my friends got little traffic and no conversions for a long time, for example 3 months until they have made their first conversion. But as they keep working, their traffic grows and now they have bigger and bigger conversions (talking about Chaturbate revshare). So don’t give up until you work for at least 3 months. Other friends got conversions in first month (mostly PPS offers on Crakrevenue) but they gave up because they had little time (they have other businesses). So in summary, I wanted to tell you that maybe you will see conversions soon, maybe you will wait for few months. BUT you will definitely see traffic and conversions, like everyone that tried this method.
Update 26. 3. 2020:
After almost 3 years after publishing this article, many things changed. It is now harder than before to keep your accounts alive. It’s still possible to earn money with this method, but it would be harder. I recommend you to try it for few months max and if you see no results, you should better try another method (I will write new method on this blog in near future). I got my biggest accounts deleted so my traffic dropped about 90%. My earnings are also down by 90% on Crakrevenue, because I’m working on different projects (will write about them soon). BUT I build revshare income from Chaturbate affiliate program, which generates me $200-500 a month – and I didn’t work on this for almost 2 years! This is really passive income, I don’t have to do anything and it keeps earning me money all the time. So if you’re trying porn reupload method, I recommend you to go with revenue share offers because when tube sites delete your accounts, you’ll have your hard earned paying users for lifetime!
Hope this guide will help you to reach your dream income. If you like this guide and want to try it, sign up on Crakrevenue and Chaturbate with my link (Chapter 1). And if you have any questions, just ask in comments below 🙂
I also wanted to point out that I’m keeping this article updated when I discover some new information or tip. I also publish new content from time to time, which could be valuable for you, if you’re making money from porn. So if you want to stay updated and have latest informations that could help you to earn more money in the porn industry, bookmark my site (CTRL+D) and check it from time to time to find out if I published some new content or updates!
very very nice dominik.. i’m kicking off next week!! wish me good luck
Hello can this method of yours still work because am considering giving it a try by May this year
Hi, it definitely works 🙂 This method is here for many years and there is no reason why it should stop. The sooner you start, the better 🙂 I recommend you to try more niches at once. Pick 2-3 niches, buy domain for each of them, make 2-3 accounts and upload on all of them 🙂 For example, you can pick webcam, hardcore and asian niches. For each niche you need to find good offer that is related to your niche. Buy domain that suits your niche and upload amateur videos with watermark. Thats all. Few of my friends see results now after 2 months of uploading so don’t give up too soon 🙂
Ok thanks for your reply but which offers do you advice me using Crackrevenue or chaturbate
Sorry, I can’t tell you that. If I did, my niche would be saturated. Ask affiliate manager to give you some advices. You can even hit much better niche than me.
Hello Friend…I have some questions need you guide.
1-for domain that we redirect offer link, need to build backling or not?
2-when we upload video to adult site but don’t get more views, if we look at other videos after only 2 days uploading gets 1000+ views.
I am waiting to your reply…
Hi 🙂
1) No. You have no own content so it is waste of money/time to build backlinks.
2) I actually didn’t understand your question, but if you ask why some videos get low views and some get high amount of views fast, then there could be many reasons. For example account which uploaded video have lots of subscribers so these subscribers boost videos after uploading. But generally it’s just a luck in my opinion. Sometimes a good video gets low views and sometimes shit video get huge views. Try to write catchy titles – it will make people to click and watch the video and this should kick it at start.
Hi Dominic,
Seems like some top porn tube sites are not even allowing domain names to be included in the title, description etc ? Which porn sites do you recommend to be used for uploading our videos now?
Waiting for your kind advice bro
Hi, I use only xvideos for uploading. I tried lots of tube sites like Redtube, Xhamster, Pornhub, Youporn, Spankbang… but I think that it was just lost of time. On most of them, my videos wasn’t approved or got little views. Not worth the time in my opinion. Xvideos is (in my opinion) only site that doesn’t care about domain in title etc. So I would recommend you to stick mainly to xvideos. You can test other sites in free time 🙂
Hi, send me your email 🙂
My email is lockch@gmail.com
Hi Dominic, I have a xvideos channel. Anyway I can attract more views and followers to it?
How to multiple money taking advantage of my own content?
Hi Richard. If you have your own content and have a channel on xvideos, I would say that easiest way to scale (multiple) this is by setting up your channel on other big tube sites – Pornhub for example. In terms of more views, I recommend to use translations on your video titles. Best would be to get translations from native speakers, but Google translate could do a job too. I mean, add more languages while uploading videos. Another ways to boost your views: 1) Use catchy titles (capitals, shocking titles.. look what works for others or lets use your creativity), 2) Manually choose video thumbnails so the best photo preview are visible for people browsing on xvideos. 3) Use call to action (in video, or in title/description – simply tell people that they should like your video etc. If you want to get more followers, tell them that they should follow you and tell them why they should follow you. Do you plan to upload more content that they like? Think of something that will motivate them to follow your channel. This is what comes to my mind. Let me know with your results! Hope you’ll grow your followers and views 🙂
Hey Dominic, I have a question I have seen some people say that xvideo will ban your account without any warning, is that true?
Hey Vincent, it’s true. It is much harder now to make big accounts with many views :/ Old accounts are still alive, but new accounts getting bans really fast.
Does it mains this uploading videos to xvideo method literally died? Newcomers may never be able to make certain traffic through accmulating views day by day. What are you doing recently? Ant alternative like tumblr, instragram? Or I heared some people said dating offers is the trend now, do you have experience about this?
I don’t know, but it is really harder now to get high amount of views. I live mostly from older accounts I made last year. I did’t try another traffic source yet. I tried Tumblr last year with no success. And yea, dating is poplar right now, but problem is to get views on xvideos now, and it doesn’t matter if it’s on dating or other offers.
Fuck,then for nowcomers like me might need to find a new effectively working method, But does it exists? How can we be creative in this area…… I think tumblr really hold a lot traffic, but will people on tumblr willing to sign up in cam sites or pay?
Ps: Is it true that xvideo will ban your account without any warnings described in your article?
You can try Tumblr and you will see 🙂 I tried it with PPS offer which is not the best way in my opinion. Maybe some PPL offer will work better, there is definitely traffic, but I don’t have experience with it.
And yea, they are deleting accounts without any warnings now. No strikes, no copyrights.
Wow,you can be a good lecturer! Thank you. Now a question please,after buying a domain do i have to pay for hosting or not?
Hey, thanks for your kind words 🙂 To your question: You definitely NOT need to buy hosting. Many people will tell you that you need to have hosting, but its just because they want commission from your purchase. All you need is just a domain.
Hey Dominic, I have a question. Nowadays xvideos asking for video verification. How to do that? If I want to earn money. Please guide me. & how much I earn per 1000 views for a video? Please clear my doubts
Hey Lisa, I have never had verified account so I don’t think it’s important. Just setup normal account and upload videos. It is now limited to 3 videos per day at start, so just make many accounts and upload 3 per day on each.
I made some stats about earnings per 1000 views but it is more than year old. But it was between 0.08-0.15 $ per 1000 video views. But definitely depends on niche, offer etc.
Good day Dominic,i must say your article was helpful. I have some questions to ask.
1.aside purchasing a domain, is it a must to own a website or blog and a host.
2.base on your statistical assumption, 0.08-0.15$ earnings is made from 1000views only,thats means 7000views will make 1$+? Just want to be clarified.
3.can you make a video tutorial on this article so that I can follow the steps. I learn faster via video tutorial.
4.can I have your email because I will need guidance while starting this new business. Here’s my email =lloydceasar95@gmail.com.thanks for your assistance.
Hello Michael. To your points: 1) All you need is a domain, so you can redirect your traffic. You don’t need website or hosting. 2) Yes, based on those stats. It can be different by this time. And keep in mind that this is rough estimation, so you can have much higher or much lower $ per 1000 views. 3) I’ve never thought about making a video tutorial, but it doesn’t seem like a bad idea. If I’ll make it, I’ll definitely let you know by a blog post on this blog. 4) If you’ll struggle with anything, just post a comment in this post so other people can learn too. By sharing our problems and solutions, we all learn how to make things better.
Hey i was woundering since i dont live in the Us And havent turned 18 wich payment i should use
Honestly, I don’t feel comfortable giving advices about earnings from porn to someone who didn’t turn 18 yet 😀 But it is interesting question, because this doesn’t only apply to this industry. Many people trying to earn money online which are under 18 can have same question. I’m not a qualified person to answer this question, but as you need some sort of verification for most online wallets like Paxum, I would say that cryptocurrencies can be an answer. But it needs some knowledge about this, many people lost their crypto assets by loosing their seed words etc. But again, I’m really not a right person to answer this question. If you have some entrepreneur in your friends/family, you can ask them – you don’t have to say which business you’re about to try. But I would still recommend you to try another industry. Not only it’s not much ethical for someone under 18 doing this kind of work, but there are millions of other ways to make money online, which will be more fun and more profitable for you. What about building some website/blog about something you like? It can be about some sport, game, hobby, product you use… Lots of these blogs become popular with time and trust me, it’s much better to have some asset like established website than accounts on porn site that you can loose at any time. When I was like 14, I asked on forums what should I do to make online income. People told me to build some easy website and to write about something I like. I should listen to them, cause 6 years later I started making websites. I could have already established sites that generate income if I listened what they’re advicing. I know I’m answering something you didn’t even ask for, but I think it is good to know that there are more stable and more ethical ways to earn money online. I can send you some sources on creating websites that make money if you want.
I’m in the same shoe as this person, please I’d love to learn the other ways, starting a website
Most importantly learn from you
Sir I also want some sources on creating website. Please send me some stuff .
i need help i don’t wanna use money to buy a domain,is there any other option??
Hi, you can register a free domain with .tk domain extension. Not sure about how it works but this could help: https://www.wikihow.com/Get-a-Free-Domain#Getting-a-dot-tk-Domain
Hi Dominic and thanks a lot for your words. I am very new in the field, but I did not understand what the domain name was for since we upload videos directly to xvideos, so there is no redirection for the user? Why buy a domain name in this case? I probably misunderstood, if you can give me an answer I would be grateful. Yours
Hi again, to add a question to the previous one, what is the “offer” you are talking about in domain forwarding? Do not hesitate to contact me by email I am extremely motivated to work in this field online. In addition, I saw that on your profile picture you posed in front of the effeil tower, are you French?
Hello Dominic,
You really did a good work explaining the processes involve. But I seem to be having issues with the xvideo. I cant upload and it keeps asking for video verification. How do I update it soni can upload without verification
Hey Dominic,
What if I just set up a website like pornhub?
Hi, if you started your own tube site, focus on unique content – titles, descriptions, etc. And try to make tweaks to your theme so it looks unique form others 🙂 I will write full guide on creating tube sites in near future
You should definitely try it. Use WP-Script as it’s really easy to do it with a system like theirs. Make sure you go for quality instead of quantity – that way, you’ll get in front of other million people who try to make tube site.
Hey can you guide me on some methods on creating websites that make money other than adult content. Porn is banned from my country so I suppose it will not be ethical to pursue this. Please share anything that you can.
Hi, I’m not very experienced outside of adult world. But find informations about amazon affiliate sites, that could be what you’re looking for 🙂
Putting domain name in video title seems something to quickly get you banned.. isn’t?
I guess pornhub for example doesn’t allow.. idk
What porn tubes are okay with this? Aside from xvideos?
Also.. do you know some other good ad network/affiliate sites?
And about the watermark .. i didn’t understood very well.. i need to download videos, make sure it’s clean of logos and other stuff, put my own logo that will work as my watermark? This watermark can be my domain adress?
And in case i download videos which there is already watermark….can i remove by just blurring it?
Last question, you said in recent update that this method is harder than before, due to accounts being deleted.. should i focus on chaturbate then? It may not give much income as crakrevenue but on the long term.. it safer and lasts more.. right?
Thanks in advance! ♥
Hi, yes, different tube sites have different filters. Watermarks are probably okay with XVideos (as you can see on their homepage) but Pornhub is more strict. You can try intro or outro (few seconds short intro or outro with your domain – something like “I found this girl on domain.com” on black background). It works better on some tubes.
Yes you got it. Watermark is your domain and you put it on videos you download. And sure you can remove existing watermarks in the video – actually you can do anything with the video – crop it, turn in 180degrees, or anything you like.
You’re right, it is getting harder and harder. With Crakrevenue, you’re mostly focusing on one-time commission (which can be big like $50), but with revshare offers you’re building long-term income. BUT, I have to say that Chaturbate doesn’t convert well for some time now – not sure why. And only offers that are worth going revshare are webcam offers. So my advice if you want to build revshare? Try Stripchat (Stripcash.com), which is a great webcam site with affiliate program that converts now. Or try LosPollos as an offer as it will give you small commissions on every free signup – which means you’ll get more sales, but with smaller payout. I have whole article on smartlinks (like LosPollos) on this blog.
Last thing I would like to say (and I’ll probably add it in next update) is that it is getting really hard with uploading videos and you never know when they delete your accounts.With this in mind, it makes better sense to work on sources you own – like your own porn tube site. I’ll probably make an article on how to make own porn site this year.
Hope this helps you and feel free to ask anything.
Please reply… Do I need one domain for one offer and with just one video?
Hi Sergio, definitely not. You can start with one domain, one offer and you can place that domain to as many videos as you want.
Hi Dominic,
I’m new to this idea.
Hope it will work in 2021.
Just wondering a simple thing.
I thought my domain was supposed to be embedded in the video (A link one can click on in a video) but I guess it would generate a lot of money “too much money”.
But is the watermark suppose to be my domain, the viewers have to type in my domain name in the search bar manually, the viewers get redirected to my affiliated offer, the viewers spend money/ complete a registration for me to get money?
Happy new year.
Hi, there is not and option to have a clickable link in a video on porn sites like xvideos. Yes it’s like you said – you have a watermark which is your domain name, user have to type it manually in address bar and it will redirect him to an offer – which he hopefully complete and you get a commission.
Thank you for sharing all this, buddy. Can I do this with homosexual porn? I suppose you might have more experience with heterosexual porn but that’s really not my area so I’m wondering.
Hi, sure you can! Actually it could be an advantage because most people focus on straight porn. Give it a try and you’ll see. Wish you nice profits! 🙂
Hi by simply uploading vedios in porn sites without using crackrevenue or chaterbuth can I make money by this way
Hi, you have to monetize your videos somehow. If you record your own porn, well then you can become PornHub Verified amateur and earn money from video views. But in case you don’t have your own videos, you need to monetize videos like I wrote in this article – with a domain that point to an affiliate offer.
Hi dominic, great content BTW can you tell me the minimum payouts of these sites and payment methods? ALSO i want to ask, how much this method is working now, i mean are they delete copywrite content more frequently?
Hi, minimum payouts vary based on network and payment method. Most of them offer Paxum, for example, where is mostly $100 minimum. But some of them – LosPollos or Chaturbate, for example – offer payment in Bitcoin, which can be from $50. The method is still working for those who knows how to game a system. But it is much harder than before. Yes, they delete content more frequently.
Pls I want to ask how can i cash out from xvideo if I got any $
XVideos is not the one who cash you out. You’re making money by promoting adult offers – like Chaturbate cams, LosPollos dating site, or anything from Crakrevenue. Those are sites that pay you for bringing them customers.
Hi Dominic,
Thanka for the efforts you put to write this nice article, is there a way to get in touch with you by email or any chat? Please let me know soon.
Sent you an email
Hi hiw can i earn money on uploadings
That’s exactly what this tutorial is about 🙂 But it’s much harder these days
Hey, does it still work in 2021?
It’s much much harder now. I would say that doing this manually is nearly impossible. But I didn’t do it for a while, so you can try and will see. Maybe when everyone gives up, there’s room for those who can do it. There is only way to find out – try it
Hi Dominic,
I am using Lospollos Smartlink for watermark and I’m getting traffic around 40-50 unique clicks everyday but not conversions. So is it normal or I have to change the link?
Hi, it really depends on type of videos and traffic – country, etc. I would say that you could make at least $5 from 1000 clicks. It’s not that much, but if you’re lucky, you can have this traffic, or much bigger, for years even if not uploading anymore.
Hi Dominic,I am from India .in India pron websides are bolcked.when I tray by any free vpn to open this side after some days again block that vpn.so want to know how I uplord vodeos .can I uplord videos making a webside,is this save for me.plese tell me.I will send U my mail adress ple ans me.
This technique is extremely hard now. Since big tubes are deleting videos. I would focus on something else if you’re looking to make quick bucks. Like Fiverr jobs